Saturday, April 30, 2011

Can we say Psycho....!5584410/woman-imprisoned-for-sending-hundreds-of-threatening-texts-to-herself

Thursday, April 28, 2011

Mad Hatter's Potion Cocktail

Signature Cocktail: Mad Hatter's Potion
1 part Pineapple Rum
1/2 part Coconut Rum
1/2 part Vanilla Vodka
1/2 part Strawberry Schnapps
Splash of Pineapple Juice
Slice of pineapple for garnish
Shake all ingredients over ice and strain into martini glass. Garnish with slice of pineapple. Float pellets of dry ice for smoking effect.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Jeffrey Star The Queen of Space Herpes!!!!

The King/Queen of faggots. Jeffree Star is the reason why AIDS and gay people exist and 13 year olds catch the Blue Waffle(google it.) . He's been called the Queen of Myspace.. I like to call him the Queen Of "Space herpes". It's a fact that by making eye contact with this faggot gives the you the gay madness kinda like the new temporary fad of cuffing your jeans when you were in junior high, mayby even wearing your pants backwards when these mindless zombies though Krisscross was music, actually these brain dead morons I just want to blow their brains out and make a canvas out of their brains..  Soon after getting the gay madness, you will develop AIDS and start having sex with little boys. Scene fags love him, due to the fact that they have caught the gay madness. This fag has his own clothing line and they have things like cupcakes with razorblades in them. Hey look at Me I'm Gay and have aids, herpes, come join my club... Because didn't you know catching herpes is so much fun!!! Like OMG!! He's so cool he talks about doing drugs and being gay, sucking cock, thinks he's the hottest tranny in the world... I love his pink hair having razor blades as a fashion accessory being a cutter is not cool!!! It's sick!!! This is what the world is coming to looking up to people like this having little girls and boys follow you and cut themselves in their flesh!!! The sick this is this bastard loves this children cutting themselves for being noticed for his lame Myspace page. Pathetic...

Has songs such as We Want Cunt, I Hate Music, and Heart Surgery Isn't That Bad. Claims to speak his mind and thinks he is an extraordinary being. He could not find his way out of a paper bag. If you get on Myspace there is a video where he teaches a little boy, probably around 4 years old to say we want cunt!!! Fucking disgusting, Burn in hell you sick fuck...

Friday, April 22, 2011

Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, a Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Rape of 10 year Old, and gets her pregnant you need to burn in hell you twisted sister!!!!

It amazes me how many sick, twisted, deranged people there are in the world.. Like for instance a while back I saw this video about some Mexican, a monster if you will, raped this little girl at nine years old and got her pregnant. This sick bastard needs to have his dick cut off and bleed to death or chemically castrated, but thats just my opinion... What I though was even more disturbing someone on youtube was saying comments like this for instance: It's so easy to blame the man, isent it? How do you know the girl did not have a 90% role in this? Maybe she wanted to have sex with him, but you blame the man anyway. I'm not pardoning it, I think that maybe it was not all the mans fault. Whats the diferance betwean 2 nine year old having sex, and an adult havig sex with one, it's still disgusting and illigal. If your old enough to have sex, then your old enough to decide who to sleap with, thats why the AOC exists, to STOP this ) :<

Are you kidding me!!! How the hell would a 9 year old little girl even know what sex is??? That want to play with Barbie dolls, play outside, video games. How can a child be even 90% responsible for any of this!!! What I think even more disturbing, no one even said anything back to this sick twisted asshole!!! Oh my god why would a nine year old girl want to have sex with a grown man??? This would never happen you sick fuck!!! What the Fuck is wrong with people !!!! I so wanted to give this low life a piece of my mind. I really hate this shit when people try to twist things around and change the subject to make excuses for their deranged, ghastly, pedophile desires. This person who wrote this is a child rapist, a sex offender trying to justify his sick behavior in his own little warped sick world!!!! Someone needs to Pour acid on his microscopic dick... I hope you burn in hell for saying this shit you sick bastard!!!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Why Me...

I really hate getting my hopes up, believing after my grandparents that have passed on that I could maintain some kind of relationship with my mother... I guess I am only fooling myself... I feel that she is avoiding me she probably feels that I am taking sides.. After the funeral there was a luncheon at the church. and my mom and my aunt went to red lobster to toast to my grandparents because she does not get along with all her siblings mostly because they have passed judgement on her. Why?? Because my grandparents raised me..I am not doing this I just trying to remain neutral. I have sent her messages asking her if she's alright but she will not even call me back.. I've have hated my mother for so many years so angry at the way she has treated me. If I even comment to say It was pretty selfish of her not to come to her owns dad's funeral. She will threaten to never come back like she always does and pretend like she's never done anything wrong. Still receiving her guilt gifts... What's really sad my son does not know his grandmother. It's a stranger to him. My mom takes my sister and brother's kids and takes them places but not my son. How does that look??? She lets them stay the night for the weekend my she will not my son. What has my son done to get treated this way???A few weeks ago my sister called me told me that my mom and my aunt went to take some pictures of outside the house to see how much it will cost to fix the water damage in my grandfather's house to give to the lawyer. The nurses aid that is still living in my grandfathers house called up my uncle bob and aunt Liz stating that my mother and aunt were invading her privacy and was taking pictures of them. The lawyer talked to my mom said that she's not allowed to come into my grandfathers house until Tonya leaves. I tried to call Tonya to see when she would be home because my son's toys are inside the house. She hung up on me and sending the call straight to voice mail. I went to the tattoo shop where my mom works at if she could give me the key so I could get my son's toys, but she would not let have the keys... When I was talking to my sister on the phone she told me some information that did not make sense to me and I was trying to ask questions so I would know the whole story. I guess she took that as I do not believe what she is saying and know my mom says she wants nothing to do with me anymore.. I honestly do not know what I have done that my mom and sister wants nothing to do with me anymore... I guess I don't know why it should bother me because she never has ever been a mother to me and never made anything kind of effort to be in my life... Well when I get this legal shit all out of the way I will be glad to cut all ties with her forever...

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

The Universe has a voice and this is what it would sound like...

It has come to my attention that the Human race has stumbled across an old magic virus that beguiles and exploits the individual for its implied lack of duality. Attempt to make people one Dimensional, attempt to make them feel like things that contradict are not possible in real world. But people are made up of so many endless amount of inspiration that they claim is their own. You cannot claim an idea, you can only champion an idea. You can only champion inspiration. How can you fight an enemy that lives in no one person? How can you fight an enemy that lives as a parasite attached to all Humans on the planet? Inspire the breakdown of the original virus. 

You must be able to capture all of the Human's attention to instantly deprogram using one single event, one event that will serve as the Book of Revelations, the end of an area, the end of a cycle in time, end of a crippling virus of start, and the start of a Utopia that expands infinitely until they figure out the next paradox, but that is well outside our possible cycle of time. It has taken the monkeys more than 60 years to learn the pain of World War 2 and time to use that honorable fight for something better into World Peace 1. An event caused by a positive catalyst, exact opposite of 9/11, this symbolic move must ring of truth and sincerity. But, knowing the nature of this power we attempt to fight with, this sort of mind-voodoo that we now refer to as "hypnotism". Hypnotists are the magicians of the 20th century. Their magic only being able to manipulate Humans on a large scale by using logic fallacy to pacify a populace. There is no central figure so any kind of violent act would simply be dismissed as something like 9/11 -- being a religious nut, being David Koresh. These are examples of other people's stands that maybe needed a grander context to see the spirt and heart contained therein, but I surely saw it.  

However, Ad Busters represents the common struggle of the global human. Those that came before had to play their part to bring us to this point, we are simply getting ready to take the handing of the baton of one mindset to the next. After 2000 years of living in a Christian universe, it is time to use the limitless power of the Human imagination be the guide post. One thing in our entire world has the sheer power to finally show the world that the next generation is serious about reaching toward our destiny. We must destroy the internet. That sounds almost painful, but this removal of the perfect tool from the hands of the collective mass and making people want to recreate the internet on their own. Give people a reason to fight back to their former level of technology, they'll understand the fight they avoided before. Space will become the destination for our generation and we will let that be our leading credo while people recover from a totally destroyed world economy. Those in the world that are unable to hear the message of the internet by its destruction?  People will realize they are honor bound to bring education, food, and bring all people to an equal footing so one day class can become a distant memory. 

Will we have it perfect? Of course not, but we need to teach our next generation to fight that good fight no matter what and never let anything be too important, even life in a long term sense. That what makes us truly Human is our courage and bravery in an endless metaphorical display due to that same ignoring of the endless layer universal duality.  Embrace and teach the knowledge of the duality as science. We will never go back to the old world ever again, because going back would mean dishonoring 60,000 years of Human advancement. 

But the advanced form this must take? At the height of the 3rd Generation (X/Y/Z) "golden" years, must be when they volunteer to be the space monkeys that go to Mars to retire from the old fight and start a new fight. Fight for survival on a new planet and a new challenge. Those that fought the hardest to free us from the old world of the same inspired thought we wish to champion in a way that is honest for our second in history. 

Manifesto is simply a declaration of war on old ideas. 
Manifesto is simply being able to even realize that the Hacker's manifesto is the blueprint for tomorrow because it teaches simply "be open to all". 

It is your turn to do the same, spread the word of this amazing concept being more flesh than flesh. Realize that the paradox of truth is knowing that everything is true and everything is false at the same "time...

Saturday, April 2, 2011


I though this was pretty cool check out the familycomguitar. Here's a link in Japanese where they give some detail on how they made it.

I'f you kiddies do not know what the family computer is I posted a link. I remember having this when I was a kid.. God do I feel old...