Friday, April 22, 2011

Guadalupe Gutierrez-Juarez, a Illegal Immigrant Arrested for Rape of 10 year Old, and gets her pregnant you need to burn in hell you twisted sister!!!!

It amazes me how many sick, twisted, deranged people there are in the world.. Like for instance a while back I saw this video about some Mexican, a monster if you will, raped this little girl at nine years old and got her pregnant. This sick bastard needs to have his dick cut off and bleed to death or chemically castrated, but thats just my opinion... What I though was even more disturbing someone on youtube was saying comments like this for instance: It's so easy to blame the man, isent it? How do you know the girl did not have a 90% role in this? Maybe she wanted to have sex with him, but you blame the man anyway. I'm not pardoning it, I think that maybe it was not all the mans fault. Whats the diferance betwean 2 nine year old having sex, and an adult havig sex with one, it's still disgusting and illigal. If your old enough to have sex, then your old enough to decide who to sleap with, thats why the AOC exists, to STOP this ) :<

Are you kidding me!!! How the hell would a 9 year old little girl even know what sex is??? That want to play with Barbie dolls, play outside, video games. How can a child be even 90% responsible for any of this!!! What I think even more disturbing, no one even said anything back to this sick twisted asshole!!! Oh my god why would a nine year old girl want to have sex with a grown man??? This would never happen you sick fuck!!! What the Fuck is wrong with people !!!! I so wanted to give this low life a piece of my mind. I really hate this shit when people try to twist things around and change the subject to make excuses for their deranged, ghastly, pedophile desires. This person who wrote this is a child rapist, a sex offender trying to justify his sick behavior in his own little warped sick world!!!! Someone needs to Pour acid on his microscopic dick... I hope you burn in hell for saying this shit you sick bastard!!!

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