Strolling through my neighborhood yesterday, I noticed a 6-foot-long icicle dangling from my gutter and thought, “That looks like it could kill someone.”
It turns out, it could. Falling icicles kill people all of the time — especially in Chicago and Russia. In fact, death by icicle goes back to at least 1776. Here are 10 chilling tales of people killed and injured by falling icicles, ice dams, and roof snow.
1. Boy in Devonshire, England, 1776
The son of a Parish clerk in Devonshire, England, was killed when an icicle fell on him and fractured his skull. His epitaph reads:
“Bless my i,i,i,i,i,i
Here he lies
In a Sad Pickle
Kill’d by an Icicle.”
A 48-year-old pastor, also in Michigan, was clearing icicles from his roof and loosened an icedam, which fell on him and killed him. The official was of death was “bilateral pulmonary thromboemboli due to crushed lower extremity due to falling ice.” photo credit:justmakeit
4. 74 Muscovites in Moscow, Russia, 2001
In 2001, 74 Muscovites were victims of falling ice, including an 18 year-old boy who was “killed… by a falling shard at his military base.”
5. Donald Booth, Chicago, Illinois, 1994
A “microwave-size” chunk of ice fell off of a Neiman Marcus building in Chicago, killing Donald Booth of Wisconsin. The department store settled with his family for $4.5 million.
6. 5 People in Samara, Russia, 2008
In 2008, at least 5 people were killed by falling icicles in the industrial city of Samara, Russia.
7. Woman on Prospekt Yuriya Gagarina in St. Petersburg, Russia, 2010
A woman walking down Prospekt Yuriya Gagarina in St. Petersburg was struck by a falling icicle. She died on the spot. It’s been an icy winter in St. Petersburg and “more than ten people have been injured by icicles and more than 500 have sustained injuries from falling over in streets.”
8. 7-year-old Boy in Springfield, Vermont, year unknown
An icicle hit a 7-year-old boy in the head while he was playing outside. He “suffered traumatic brain injuries,” but survived.
9. 8 Chicagoans in Chicago, Illinois, 2000
At one Chicago hospital, at least 8 people were treated for falling ice-related injuries in 2000.
10. 55-year-old Woman in Stockholm, Sweden, 2010
Proving that wintertime weapons need not be sharp and pointy, a 55-year-old woman in Stockholm, Sweden’s vertebrae were crushed by snow that fell off of a roof this year. Further Reading on Falling Icicles
So if you live in a cold climate — especially one in Russia or the midwestern United States — beware of roof overhangs with seemingly innocuous icicles. It only takes one falling icicle or ice dam to do serious damage.
As you know, the long-awaited and once-delayed transition from analog to digital television broadcasting is finally happening!!! You won't have to kiss those rabbit ears goodbye, but you will need to plunk down for a signal converter box if you don't feel like shelling out for cable or satellite service.
The program has sometimes rightly been criticized from various quarters, which was a contributing factor behind the transition being pushed back from earlier this year. Sometimes though, commentary on the DTV transition went beyond mere criticism and veered into the realm of those who think that the moon landing was faked, that 2pac is still alive, and that the second gunman on the grassy knoll was taking orders from Castro. That's right, conspiracy theorists!
Once the province of underground mailing lists from secessionist militias, the conspiracy theory has found fertile ground in the internet. It's most public face is the 9/11 truth movement, though others posit theories that sound ripped from the pages of a bad sci-fi novel; David Icke believes that an aristocratic bloodline of lizardmen have been in control of world government for the entire length of human civilization.
Some of these internet theories about the DTV transition are fairly innocuous polemics against intrusion on our civil liberties, and even semi-logical if you don't think about it too hard. Others are totally loathsome, trading on the grisly specter of anti-semitism and bigoted tropes about international cartels of Jewish bankers who control the world's media. So, we saved you the trouble and sifted through the morass of the internet to collect our favorite conspiracy theories about the transition to digital television. Which is to say, DISCLAIMER: We make no claims as to the veracity of the views expressed herein. Some of this stuff is straight up crazy.
Cameras in your TV (Big Brother is watching!)
Many believe that the government is issuing these DTV boxes to put a surveillance camera in your living room. It sounds cribbed from 1984 and yet simultaneously somehow possible; the technology for this level of surveillance already exists, and what better way for the government to spy on us than through the populace-pacification device of choice, our televisions? This particular theory erupted into a full-on media firestorm when someone posted a video of a mini-camera inside a dismantled DTV box, before the whole thing was revealed to be a hoax. Of course, the theory falls apart on its own when you stop to consider the sheer mechanics involved in the government spending billions of dollars to monitor our slack-jawed faces as we watch the seventh episode of an I Love the 80s marathon.
Censorship and the shaping of public opinion
Of all the theories we found, this one definitely seems the most plausible. As "Scrivener" of NowPublic uncovered, the DTV boxes are "addressable." Meaning: third parties can monitor and control the information sent and received by each box. Worse yet, this third party could theoretically decrypt your boxes information just by decoding the electronic field it emits! This opens the door for someone (government agent or otherwise) to not only monitor what you're watching, but to censor it. OK, it's all speculation at this point, and there's no real proof that anyone has succeeded in cracking the DTV boxes. Still, isn't it a little bit spooky to think that its possible?
Mind Control, OR, The Mother of All Conspiracy Theories
Now, for our all-time favorite. The big kahuna. The conspiracy theory that weaves together the DTV transition, the military-industrial complex, a little-known '90s Army research boondoggle, the election of Barack Obama, and isolationist fears about the dreaded "one world government." AKA: the DTV-as-mind-control theory.
In a sprawling, consummately paranoid tirade, "Dr. A. True Ott" theorizes that the DTV box is a miniaturized version of the military's HAARP project, a device that he claims will be used to totally pacify the world's population, allowing the "New World Order" (funded by those international Freemason banking consortiums, natch) to deploy the military industrial complex and create a global fascist police state.
No stone unturned, he concludes with a quote by Paul Simon, whose song lyrics indicate that he must have been "in the know" about this massive conspiracy. A mere recap can't do this one justice, dear reader. Grab a bag of popcorn and cue up the X-Files theme song, because you're in for a long, paranoid read....
City of London + Vatican City + District of Columbia are the 3 independant states within states that compose the "Empire of the City". The first is for financial control over the earth's economy, the second is religion control over the earth and the third one is military control over the earth...
How's that for globalism. "The City" is an international financial oligarchy and is perhaps the most arbitrary and absolute form of government in the world. This international financial oligarchy uses the allegoric "Crown" as its symbol of ...power and has its headquarters in the ancient City of London, an area of 677 acres; which strangely in all the vast expanse of the 443,455 acres of Metropolitan London alone is not under the jurisdiction of the Metropolitan Police, but has its own private force of about 2,000 men, while its night population is under 9,000. This tiny area of a little over one square mile has in it the giant Bank of England, a privately owned institution; which as is further elaborated hereinafter is not subject to regulation by the British Parliament, and is in effect a sovereign world power.
Within the City are located also the Stock Exchange and many institutions of world-wide scope. The City carries on its business of local government with a fanciful display of pompous medieval ceremony and with its officers attired in grotesque ancient costumes. Its voting power is vested in secret guilds with names of long extinct crafts such as the Mercers, Grocers, Fishmongers, Skinners, Vintners, etc. All this trivial pomp and absurdity and horse-play seems to serve very well to blind the eyes of the public to the big things going on behind the scenes; for the late Vincent Cartwright Vickers, once Deputy-Lieutenant of this City, a director of the great British armament firm of Vickers, Ltd., and a director of the Bank of England from 1910 to 1919, in his "Economic Tribulation" published 1940, lays the wars of the world on the door-step of the City.
That the British people and the British Parliament have little to say in the foreign affairs of the British Empire, and that the people of the British Empire must fight when International Finance and the City blow the trumpet, appears from the paean of praise of America by Andrew Carnegie, "Triumphant Democracy," published in 1886 by that American super-industrialist and British newspaper publisher, in the following words: "My American readers may not be aware of the fact that, while in Britain an act of Parliament is necessary before works for a supply of water or a mile of railway can be constructed, six or seven men can plunge the nation into war, or, what is perhaps equally disastrous, commit it to entangling alliances without consulting Parliament at all. This is the most pernicious, palpable effect flowing from the monarchial theory, for these men do this in 'the king's Name,' who is in theory still a real monarch, although in reality only a convenient puppet, to be used by the cabinet at pleasure to suit their own needs."...
This following letter was written by me in regards to an article. (published in Richmond, Virginia) about how good Straight Edge kids are. Here is my reply that you should all read and take to heart. This was later published in the Richmond Music Journal since Style Weekly didn't want to show the "other side" of things. This isn't exactly how it appears in the journal cuz I added some stuff to it later on and they edited parts of course, but this gets the point across.
Date: Wed, 28 May 1997 17:43:43 -0400 (EDT)
Subject: Reply to last week's (may 27th) article on Straight Edge
To the editor of Style Weekly,
I'm sending you this reply to the Straight Edge article that was in your
may 27th edition. I'm going under the alias Guybrush Threepwood and I'd
appreciate it if you left that in there.
-by Guybrush Threepwood
Hi there, I figured I should say something after reading your
article on Straight Edge entitled Out Of Step With The World last week. I
don't drink, I don't do drugs, but I will be DAMNED if I am ever called
Straight Edge. Think about it people, is it REALLY necessary for you to
declare yourselves a member of the X-files every time you talk to
somebody. Well, to many people it apparently is. I shampoo my hair a
five times a week....I guess its sort of a lifestyle I've got going
were all human and were all stupid. So every single one of you elitist
militant wannabe do-gooders can just call it a day, because nobody cares.
Many of you aren't kids anymore and are obviously yearning for a new tree
house to dwell in.
A young boy walks up to a scary huge steel door, knocks on it, and
instantly a small opening appears with two big eyes looking down upon him.
Whats the password? The lad thinks to himself for a while because
everything he thinks he believes in depends on this. He musters up all the
strength inside him and utters the words which he will be expected to
uphold for the rest of his pathetic life...I have no use for drugs or
alcohol, I am Straight Edge. The door opens and he is handed his secret
decoder ring and is welcomed with many pats on the back and a handful of
soy. This newfound unity feels great to the boy inside......but something
is floating around in the back of his head and it REALLY bothers him.
The wee tot knows that there are quite a few contradictions in his
lifestyle. For example; being Straight Edge, or nailed to the X as these
pseudo prophets would say, is supposedly very individualistic. I'm sorry,
but correct me if I'm wrong, but wasn't that a bunch of people beating up
ONE kid from Virginia Beach at the Duration show? Doesn't sound very
individualistic to me buddy. Sounds like Straight Edge is just a supped up
form of a fraternity. Finding people who disagree with them, beating the
piss out of them in a 50 to 1 fight, and then laughing about it later over
a beer or a soy cream cone (Depending on whether you are in a fraternity
or a straight edge militia. Oops, did I say militia? I'm sorry, must have
been a typo...) But our young boy just shoves it into the back of his
mind, because all of these other people around him are doing it, they're
all straight edge so it must be right. Sounds like a parody of an
anti-drug commercial to me. The sad thing, is that this a
To the people of the X that are also vegan or vegetarian, I
deliver a special message. You think you're doing good, but your not. You
are doing worse, I've explained this many-a-time to people of all sorts,
straight edge or not. Whenever you leave the house and walk around
outside, you are crushing tiny animals that you don't even pay attention
to. You can whine about animals rights all you want, but in the end, yer
just going to come out sounding like an unusually violent hippie. On
Valentines Day millions of people send each other the corpses of plants as
a declaration of LOVE. I cannot stand this atrocity anymore. If people can
kill the plants which give us air, the very life source that we depend on,
then I can kill the cows. Sure, hunting for sport is stupid, there's no
point to it. If you kill it, eat it. Its just that simple. But, from now
on, on Valentines Day, I'm sending my lover a slab of beef. Id rather send
my lover the corpse of a cow than the corpse of a plant. After all, cows
do eat the plants which give us air. Cows also release harmful gasses into
the air which I don't think that O-Zone layer appreciates to much. In fact,
I talked with the O-Zone layer the other day and it was telling me how its
going to spare me because I'm consuming quite a few cows every year. What
better way to say I LOVE YOU than with beef.
Anyway, there was a comment in last weeks article saying that
there is no sexism or racism in the straight edge scene. A@#%(@&*#%!!?!?
You've got to be kidding me. Half of these straight edge kids have been
depriving themselves from sexual activity for so long that sexism has
become inherent. They've been circle-jerking for so many years that they've
grown to hate the other sex. Just off the top of my head, I can easily
think of a friend of mine who is straight edge and he's annoyingly vocal
about it (egad! I'm not straight edge, yet I have some friends that are!?
Wah!) Guess what, he refers to his genitalia and what he'd do to women all
the time. I'm not naming names, because he's still a friend of mine and I'm
not going to pick on one person because its not just his fault. Everybody
in this scene is to blame for the same false sense of righteousness. As
for racism, its everywhere hidden in the prettiest corners of the earth to
the ugliest slum lands of hell...and I'm sorry, straight edge is not
excluded from it. No, it doesn't promote racism, but that doesn't mean some
of the (fraternity) brothers don't stray from the rules every now and then.
I believe that the entire straight edge philosophy is based upon flexible
moralities, and I need not speak to prove it to myself or anybody else.
All I have to do is listen and watch them all being so full of themselves
and thinking about how everybody else is wrong and evil.
At one point in last weeks article, it said "In a society where
the message is drink, drink, drink, smoke, smoke, smoke, [its good to
know] somebody else shares these feelings, and i can find comfort in
that", RIGHT AFTER it discussed (but didn't go into detail) the Virginia
Beach kid getting into a fight with Hate-O-Four. ...I like to fight said
one of the members. So were replacing intelligence with brutality in this
straight edge club eh? MAYBE this really *IS* a fraternity were talking
about here. MAYBE the violence label that worries the straight edge kids
is a REAL PROBLEM, and trust me, there are PLENTY of cases out there just
like the recent Duration incident. MAYBE you should listen to the music
for the MUSIC itself instead of a stupid message. I have NOTHING against
the sound of straight edge, hardcore, punk, or whatever other kinds of
music were talking about here. But the messages they're trying to
incorporate into the music angers me. In a society where everybody wants
to fit in, its not surprising that many people are jumping on the straight
edge wagon. But guess what! I'm hoping to pop the wagons tires and send
them all crashing into reality. Yeah right, I'm just a single person right.
these things to get my anti-sxe message across to people....right? It's
quite amusing how we all seem to think were so individualistic even though
we don't realize the many things in our lives that make us who we are. And
I'm no better, trust me.
Look, I don't do drugs or drink because somebody told me not to, or
a group of umpteen militant toddlers beat me up with skateboards and it
made me realize how wrong I am. I've had enough of my own experiences since
my youth to get me to not do that stuff. Hating alcohol the first and only
time I ever had it in church. I couldn't get that nasty aftertaste of the
wine that morning. And I couldn't leave to get a jolt cola because I was
too busy singing songs in praise of Allah....or whatever that cynics name
is. You know, that god guy who supposedly lives up there in the sky. Well
if he's there, he's gonna be the first one to get screwed by the O-Zone
problem....that's all I've gotta say about that. As if the taste wasn't bad
enough, Also hearing of people that I knew of who died in car
accidents related to much more did I need? As for the drugs.
Well, I never tried them, but I also spent MANY MANY years hanging out
with people who used them extensively. Lemme tell ya, I've never seen
people act so stupid in my entire life....then again, I haven't been to a
straight edge show yet. haha. On top of that, in college I saw HUGE
problems with cocaine, as well as rumored deaths. Sorry, the NBC public
service announcements didn't tell me not to smoke marijuana. The mere
stench of it was enough to push me away. Sure its always nice to meet some
people that don't do drugs or drink, but does that mean I should segregate
myself from the ones who actually do these things? NAY.
The way Janet Giampietro glorified the straight edge lifestyle was
quite pathetic. All the talk about converting people, I almost DIED laughing!
(it must be all that meat that I eat right?) Janet, I know you wanted to write a
spiffy article about straight edge, but you need to realize that most of
these toddlers ARE fake (or poseurs as you called some of them). And the
ones that always have lived up to the immortal guidelines of straight edge
are too closed-minded for me to have a tolerable, intelligible
conversation with. I'll admit it, I'm a gal who loves annoying people, and
I've been having a field day with the straight edge scene for a long time
now. I approach it with a look of pity on my face yet a roar of laughter
inside my chest. For example, if any of you were to go to my Straight Edge
Hate blog, you would either die laughing because you
thought it was funny or that I was a moron. Either way, I accomplished
what I wanted: I extracted a chuckle out of you. Still, I've received so
many messages from infuriated scenesters, including threats which I often
use as an example of their inability to confront a person verbally instead
of physically.
So please, I welcome you all to take a peek at my blog, and
maybe you'll learn something. Maybe you'll say I'm just another ignorant
bastard who's bashing something she knows nothing about. Maybe you'll say I'm
going to die young anyway because I am a proud MEATATARIAN. Well to all of
you violent scabs out there, I'd like to end this little commentary with
something for you to ponder:
You are all working so hard to live a lifestyle that is so pure and
perfect and free of harm to your body and even perhaps our neighbor the
cow. During all of this, make sure you look both ways before you cross the
street! There's an ENTIRE WORLD of problems out there that you aren't even
covering and any one of them could hit you like a speeding bus at any
given moment.
p.s.: A hefty handshake goes out to anybody who knows where my alias
Guybrush Threepwood originated from. I'd be quite surprised to find
somebody who actually knows of this name.
The rest of this page is going to have a bunch of letters that I've been sent or have simply found to be hilarious. So no more pictures on this particular page, but don't worry. In fact, if any of you have pictures to give me please feel free to do so and I'll take it upon myself to mock them to hell. So here are some of the more humorous emails I've received.
Here's a classic example of the vegan/sXe elitism:
Now they I have your attention. I am a SXE chick who wants to tell you to go shoove your foot up your ass. The sxe scene is a great scene and just cause people like you aren't excepted you whine about us. Well let me tell you something I am better than you. Your boyfriend could never get a girl as hot as me. I am a beautiful sxe girl who wants you to die. so you go commit suicide you stupid arrogant bitch. You go murder innocent animals, and who are you to criticize earth crisis, you are a sell out to the human race. you worthless piece of shit
Look here girlie girl, I've had more people email me about your one particular email than ANY OTHER message on this page. Everybody thought you were the most "idiotic whore they have ever seen" (that's a direct quote, mind you). Who would want to be with somebody who thinks so highly of themselves? Just like many of the sxe people I've seen who are extremely image conscious, you prove to care about how you look more than the actual cause. DIE.
This is hilarious!
Man you guys must have a lot of time on your hands! I'm glad theres people like you, becuase it just makes me want to strive and achieve everything i set out to do thanks man!
Xvegan powerX
"fuck you bitch ass cunt"... Boy, I can tell I'm talking with a real genius here! Here's the following email that he wrote me
:You don't know shit! I'm probably healthier than you, you fat cunt. The only reason you talk shit is cuz you need to boost yourself esteem so you put down other people's beliefs, but i understand man. Your nothin but a drunk, fat, fuck, that doesn't know shit about anyone but thinks she does!!!!!!!!!!!
HATE ME ALL YOU WANT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, SO JUST STEP THE FUCK OFF BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ahh, this is too easy!
1) I'm not fat by ANY means
2) I don't drink alcohol
3) I'm glad that you assume all of these things just because I don't declare myself sXe
4) I heard there's a tornado coming near your trailer park, be careful "BITCH"!
i think that youre so full of shit, you probably drive an expensive pickup truck with a confederate flag hanging from the gun rack. if you have nothing better to do with your time than promote intolerance and make your stupidity known to the world then my advice is to get a job. Veganism and vegetarianism are the most healthy and environmentally sound ways of life not to mention the least coporate. And if you complain about the government,environment whatever then you have no right because your supportiing it by eating meat, drinking coporate beer etc. Its going to be a big fucking slap in the face when you die of a heart attack from eating too much red meat. You sicken me wiht your pathetic attempts at facism and the way you try to control peoples mind and make sure your opinion is the only that is heard, a perfect example is this dumb fucking, you dont even let people have their say until this box here. I hope someone drags your sorry ass to a slaughteer house one day. LET THE CHICKENS OUT OF THE COOP AND HAVE SOME CREAM OF GHOUlEGIRL SOUP!!!!!!!!! I wish someone would reset you and start over!
Wow, we've got an assumptious one here, eh folks?
1) I'm from Ireland, why the hell would I have a confederate flag?
2) I don't drive a truck, I hate trucks.
3) I don't have a gun rack, or the accompanying guns for one. Guns are for the weak.
4) I have a steady job and sometimes more than one.
5) I don't drink "coporate" beer. I also know how to spell corporate which you spelled incorrectly TWO times. On top of that, don't think you are some "way-too-cool-original-non-corporate-original-gangsta-bitch" because you are vegan. You are just following another bandwagon that McDonald's just happens to not be a sponsor of. Big deal.
6) You must be REALLY punk, you already used two of the top 10 punk favorite words: "fascism" and "corporate"! I'm impressed! No really!
7) I don't even let people have their say until that final box? WAH! What do you want TWO boxes? hahahah!
8) Where can I get some of this Ghouliegirl soup? Does it have meat in it?
YOu are a Fucking fagit. Fuck you. I think you should rot in hell. You obviously know nothing about sXe. I'm sXe and I am probably bigger, smarter, a better thinker, better looking, cooler, more popular, faster, and evrything you can imagion. We don't think we re better than ever but it's ppl like you that are so pathetic it makes me puke! All of you RAp and Marilyn Manson fans sit around with your pants at your knees and smoking herb and drinking your brains out. We do every thing we can because we're not 2 drugged up to not notice the train from the other end of the tunnel you fucked up PIECE OF SHIT!!! we know what we're talking about because we're aware of bull shit like drugs and AIDS. So fuck off you fucking poseur.
Sorry pal, just cuz I don't go by the straight-edge label that you've etched into your cranium, doesn't mean that I do drugs. Sorry don't drugs, or alcohol. Nice try though! And I hate rap and marilyn manson. Thanks for being another idiotic representative of the sXe scene! It's lads like you that help prove my cause!
I think your web page is the most vile display of human stupidity I have ever seen. I am a vegan and I find it sad that you so passionately hate people that you do not know. Your lack of intelligence and compassion is detestable. I realize that you probably don't care about what I have to say but then again you probably don't care about much of anything. Perhaps you should channel your energy into some form of good, unless of course your vacant conscience forbids it.
The only thing my vacant conscience forbids is actually taking hippies like you seriously.
Welp, that about does it for this page of mail. Thanks to everybody who has mailed me, I really appreciate it, whether it's hateful or grateful. Just keep on sendin' those letters and pictures in!
Well, now that you know that sXe and all the crud that goes along with it is fake, I have here some pictures that were taken from some random straight edge pages that made me want to puke. Along with them I have descriptions of what is going on in the picture. By the way, "sXe" is an abbreviation for "straight edge" for those of you who keep asking me what it means. Anyway, away we go...
Nice face eh? Well you'd be making that face too if you were trying to give birth while playing guitar at a show. Here, we have a straight edge guy (he must be straight edge! look at the X on his hands!!!!! wow!) giving birth to a new sXe child. This child will not be permitted to suckle on his fathers nipples due to the fact that drinking milk wouldn't be sXe/vegan. So, the child will be left on the stage to be bashed to death. This is quite respectable however, because nobody would want to live in a world filled with moronic idiots like this. So they are actually saving the child from a life of pain. "WAIT! HOW CAN HE BE PREGNANT! THAT'S NOT STRAIGHT EDGE!!!" Hey! Congrats! Yer catching on! INDEED! THIS IS ONE OF THE MILLIONS OF FAKE STRAIGHT EDGE POSERS! WAY TO GO BUDDY!
This one contains a tiny spelling error. Apparently, it was meant to read something along the lines of, "X STRAIGHT-EDGE ASS FUCK! X". See, they all love to do this kind of thing in the privacy of their own rooms. I guess it's not illegal to have sex with ANOTHER Straight Edger. So this is obviously where they get their sexual satisfaction instead. Well, that and "circle-jerk" gatherings rubbing themselves raw around the campfires where they eat granola and soy milk.
Ahh, here we have the singer of "Into Another" screaming to the crowd, "WHY! WHY DID I GET INTO THIS SHITTY BAND!?!?!?" The crowd responds, "WE DON'T KNOW! BUT WE'RE ALL IN BANDS THAT SUCK JUST AS WELL!" Ahhh....LOSERS
The Vegan Action logo! Quite a few interesting things going on in this picture. This is hilarious!! First of all, notice how the person in the picture is picking up a veggie? Well, being such a weak vegan, this proves to be quite hard for our vegan friend to lift anything. Had he ate some meat, maybe he would have the strength to pick up this veggie. Instead, however, the weight of this veggie has ripped his fragile body apart. LOOK AT IT! The upper-half of his torso has been separated from the lower half by the mere weight of a vegetable! PATHETIC! Also, notice that the location of this organization: California! This means it won't be around too much longer due to a severe earthquake that's gonna hit it! Woo Hoo! BYE BYE VEGANS!
Here we have a group of Straight-Edgers standing proudly side by side! "Wait a minute! Those aren't sXe people! Those are a bunch of fraternity losers!" CONGRATS! NOW YOU'RE STARTING TO GET IT! Notice the alcohol in the hand of one of their hands! Also, notice on one of the shirts that it says "EDGE" at the bottom of it, and although the top is covered up, I'm sure we know what is says: STRAIGHT-EDGE! Woo Hoo! So we now have proof that sXe people are not only liars who don't practice what they preach, but they really are just fraternity losers.
I hope you kiddies have learned how pathetic the entire "scene" really is today.
I found this article on the web, It makes me sick to my stomach what lenghts they will go to be vegan.
Death by Veganism
Published: May 21, 2007
WHEN Crown Shakur died of starvation, he was 6 weeks old and weighed 3.5 pounds. His vegan parents, who fed him mainly soy milk and apple juice, were convicted in Atlanta recently of murder, involuntary manslaughter and cruelty.
Jacob Magraw-Mickelson
This particular calamity — at least the third such conviction of vegan parents in four years — may be largely due to ignorance. But it should prompt frank discussion about nutrition.
I was once a vegan. But well before I became pregnant, I concluded that a vegan pregnancy was irresponsible. You cannot create and nourish a robust baby merely on foods from plants.
Indigenous cuisines offer clues about what humans, naturally omnivorous, need to survive, reproduce and grow: traditional vegetarian diets, as in India, invariably include dairy and eggs for complete protein, essential fats and vitamins. There are no vegan societies for a simple reason: a vegan diet is not adequate in the long run.
Protein deficiency is one danger of a vegan diet for babies. Nutritionists used to speak of proteins as “first class” (from meat, fish, eggs and milk) and “second class” (from plants), but today this is considered denigrating to vegetarians.
The fact remains, though, that humans prefer animal proteins and fats to cereals and tubers, because they contain all the essential amino acids needed for life in the right ratio. This is not true of plant proteins, which are inferior in quantity and quality — even soy.
A vegan diet may lack vitamin B12, found only in animal foods; usable vitamins A and D, found in meat, fish, eggs and butter; and necessary minerals like calcium and zinc. When babies are deprived of all these nutrients, they will suffer from retarded growth, rickets and nerve damage.
Responsible vegan parents know that breast milk is ideal. It contains many necessary components, including cholesterol (which babies use to make nerve cells) and countless immune and growth factors. When breastfeeding isn’t possible, soy milk and fruit juice, even in seemingly sufficient quantities, are not safe substitutes for a quality infant formula.
Yet even a breast-fed baby is at risk. Studies show that vegan breast milk lacks enough docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the omega-3 fat found in fatty fish. It is difficult to overstate the importance of DHA, vital as it is for eye and brain development.
A vegan diet is equally dangerous for weaned babies and toddlers, who need plenty of protein and calcium. Too often, vegans turn to soy, which actually inhibits growth and reduces absorption of protein and minerals. That’s why health officials in Britain, Canada and other countries express caution about soy for babies. (Not here, though — perhaps because our farm policy is so soy-friendly.)
Historically, diet honored tradition: we ate the foods that our mothers, and their mothers, ate. Now, your neighbor or sibling may be a meat-eater or vegetarian, may ferment his foods or eat them raw. This fragmentation of the American menu reflects admirable diversity and tolerance, but food is more important than fashion. Though it’s not politically correct to say so, all diets are not created equal.
An adult who was well-nourished in utero and in infancy may choose to get by on a vegan diet, but babies are built from protein, calcium, cholesterol and fish oil. Children fed only plants will not get the precious things they need to live and grow.
Nina Planck is the author of “Real Food: What to Eat and Why.”
There is no excuse for this!! Responsible vegan parents know that breast milk is ideal. It contains many necessary components, including cholesterol (which babies use to make nerve cells) and countless immune and growth factors. When breastfeeding isn’t possible, soy milk and fruit juice, even in seemingly sufficient quantities, are not safe substitutes for a quality infant formula. Babies need protein, fat calcium any mother would know this. The more I research vegans, they make realize how brain dead they are. You care about your stupid cause then worry about the health and life of your own baby.
Yet even a breast-fed baby is at risk. Studies show that vegan breast milk lacks enough docosahexaenoic acid, or DHA, the omega-3 fat found in fatty fish. It is difficult to overstate the importance of DHA, vital as it is for eye and brain development.
It makes me so sick a parent would starve their own child to death because their stupid beliefs of hurting some dead animal. I'm assuming it was from ignorance. While I'm happy that the sentence gets them beyond their child-bearing years, they fall into the same category as cold-blooded murderers. But the mother said that she loved her son and, "I did not starve him." Well, she clearly starved him. At six weeks old, he died being only 3 and 1/2 pounds. And that's a crime they should be punished for severly.
I know I will probaby get some nonsense about how healthy being vegan is. Its the most healthy lifestyle is blah, blah, blah..This has nothing to do about you being a health vegan. Its about how your a shitty parent caring more about some stupid animal then making a sacerfice to make sure your child is happy and healthy.
FACT vegans you are still causing death to furry animals, you are still causing pollution, (in fact accellerating the amount of pollution there is) You are stupid and your logic makes no sense, get real eat some meat, wear a dead sheep, quit whining your causing the same indirect death that we all contribute to, what is the point of being at the top of the food chain if you arent going to practice the right?
Ok, this wasn't directly mailed to me, but I got it from one of the vegan mailing lists. I almost fell out of my seat laughing at this thing.
Graeme: here is a real world experience. My mother-in-law neeeded a heart valve replaced and her surgeon recommended a pig valve. There was an alternative of a synthetic valve, but the surgeon suggested that it would not be in her best interests to use the pig version. If it were me, I would have taken the synthetic and run the risk that it may not last as long. If there were no synthetic and I needed the valve to survive I would have had an agonizing decision but I would have used the pig valve. Despite all of this, in the case of my mother-in-law I decided to be silent, and to make myself feel a little better I sent some money to Farm Sanctuary. -Dwight
Call me crazy, but I'd let them put the entire fucking pig in my heart if it meant that they could keep me alive. Hell, I'd be sitting there eating the pork while they were performing the open-heart surgery on me! "That's it! Shove that pig in there! Hey, you guys got any beef jerky around here? Actually, I'm kinda thirsty, how about some MILK?"
It's actually funny how serious vegans are about wanting to be "healthy". I mean, you can eat all the rice cakes and granola in the world and yer still going to die. There's pollution, there's accidents, there's "angry gun-toting meat-eating people" like me.....give it up.
Here's something that I just HAD to include on the blog.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what can be done to rid a house
of termites and the like with out killing them? It is kind of a
perdicament, the house may collapse if something is not done but the
solutions usually require killing. I'm not actually in the position now,
but I'm trying to solve the problem in case it appears in the future.
I MEAN COME ON! HOW PATHETIC CAN YOU GET?!?! The fact that this guy doesn't even have the problems of termites, yet actually has the time to ponder questions like "if/when I get termites, how can I get rid of them without killing them?"...GEEZUS KRYSTE! How about you let THEM live in your house and instead YOU KILL YOURSELF! That's one of the BIG problems with these damned vegans, they care more about these little termites and roaches than they do about their fellow human beings.
Ahhh, here we have Ronald McDonald holding up an ax and decapitating a cow. How cute! I dunno about you folks, but I think it's great! Look at the smile on ol' Ronald! He's happy as a girl scout that he's murdered all those cows and chickens! Meat is indeed murder and it tastes great! But what many animal rights activists will forget to tell you is that breathing, walking, talking, and anything else a living person does is MURDER! Everything we do kills tiny little things that have just as many feelings as cows! How about that!? Hmmm, I wish I could taste those tiny microscopic things. I wonder, if I could taste them, if they'd taste as good as a hamburger? Food for thought, eh?
Awww, poor little monkey. We all feel so sorry for these animals that are treated so horribly. Ever wonder WHY these animals are treated badly? Did you ever think that maybe they did something BAD during their lives? Oh yeah, we all love to go, "Awww! He's so cute and fluffy and soft!" and all that mushy crap. Most people don't realize that they are ANIMALS and are capable of PURE EVIL. This little monkey, for example, is being punished for his crime: The JFK assassination. Ever heard of it? Yeah that's what I thought! See, you people just aren't told the WHOLE TRUTH by these animal rights bastards. Now you've seen the light!
Ok, who here has seen Pulp Fiction? Yeah, we've all seen "The Gimp" part in the movie... but did any of you ever wonder what he's been up to since? Wonder no more! The Gimp is now an animal rights activist! He "rescued" all these little puppies from a "cruel" animal shelter that was going to put them to sleep. The Gimp decided to show these puppies just how much he REALLY loved them! Well, push came to shove, and by the end of the day the gimp had made love to every one of these puppies! Now, if you were one of these puppies, wouldn't you rather of had that animal shelter put you to sleep than to have The Gimp make you his love slave? I think so. Now you know what REAL animal cruelty is. STOP ANIMAL RIGHTS PERVERTS! LET THE ANIMALS DIE WITH DIGNITY!
That's right kiddies, here's the most famous vegetarian of all time. So this is the kind of role model that vegetarians have eh? Funny isn't it? I love how vegetarians/vegans/animal rights hippies/etc talk about how killing is so wrong... apparently they're just kidding. I mean, this Hitler guy was responsible for a little thing called "The Holocaust", and if memory serves me correctly: MANY WERE KILLED. So now we know what all these veggies really are: NAZIS! Remember, you saw the truth uncovered HERE first!
Now here's something really hilarious. This little hitler/go vegetarian joke has stirred up quite a bit of controversy on my page. I've gotten all sorts of email about it and I've seen this picture distributed all over the place. Here's one of the best emails I've received, I just died laughing over this one.
I find your anti-straight edge, vegan, etc page intolerably full of ignorance. I am particularly offended by your blog. I DO NOT claim straight edge, but I have been a vegan for seven years for completely unrelated reasons. Not only do I have humanitarian concerns, I am Jewish, and it is extremely difficult to aquire kosher meat in my part of the country. I am horrified by your statement that vegetarians are comparable to the likes of Adolph Hitler. Even if the dubious alligations that Hitler was a vegetarian are true, I can assure you that being accosted by the contents of your blog is not only abhorable, it is a clear sign of insensitivity. Remember, there are plenty of evil people who also loved their wives, children, and even gave to charities. Just as people we consider inherantly "good" have made mistakes, so do those who we hold as villians committ isolated acts of kindness. What I am saying is that human beings will always be capable of committing cruel, brutal acts against each other. this capacity has as much to do with one's eating habits as it does the cycles of the moon. As a Jewess, I implore you to delete the contents of this page. It is clearly inaprropriate. I can see by your comments that you are not anti-sematic, but calling vegetarians "nazis" automatically brands me as such, and I am sorely hurt and appalled by this notion. You may find the following list of other well-known vegetarians useful:
Louisa May Alcott, Clara Barton, Charles Darwin, Leonardo Da Vinci, Isadora Duncan, Thomas Edison, Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, Sylvester Graham, John Harvey Kellogg John Milton, Sir Isaac Newton, Pythagoras, Albert Schweitzer George Bernard Shaw, Mary Shelley, Percy Shelley, Upton Sinclair, Henry David Thoreau, Leo Tolstoy, John Wesley
A *TRULY CLASSIC* letter from a person who needs to get off her Politically Correct High Horse and learn so see the humor in things. It was a joke lady, if you don't know that, perhaps you should be killed to save yourself from further embarrassment. Surely what a person eats does not decide whether they are a good or bad person. I'm just making fun of all the people who claim anybody who eats meat to be a murderer or an idiot or whatever. Look at all the people Hitler killed with no reason, yet he ate plants. And guess what, his diet had NOTHING to do with these killings. So your list of vegetarians matters not, because there are just as many intelligent/vital meat-eaters to our planet's history. Wake up lady. I'm sorry to say, but I find you "intolerably full of stupidity".
Flag Burning. Something that I have always thought was stupid. Just as many hippies have burned their bras, the little punkers have their own equivalent rebellion. And it comes in the form of burning another type of fabric: Flags. Why on earth anybody would bother to burn a flag (other than a desperate attempt at getting attention) makes no sense to me. Think about it, it's a piece of cloth. That's all these flags are. They're manufactured by the MILLIONS each year. People celebrate them on the 4th of July, and then you see them a month later being used by dad as an oil rag. So you really think that burning the flag is going to do anything? If you partake in this pathetic activity, you need to realize that you are indeed wasting your time and money (pending you actually purchased one). Now besides these strange hatred of this red, white and blue fabric that many people have, there are other things one should consider before he/she decides to become that "unique rebel who defaces the flag". Besides that it's been done before and it's about as original as reinventing the corn flake, flag burning is laughed upon by most anybody with common sense. Most people view it as childish and whiny. There are kids out there who are burning flags because they feel that the government is oppressing them. The government is ruining their lives. Two things: 1) The government isn't going to change their ways because you burn a flag. Do any of you actually believe that some fat-assed politician is going to change things because he was driving down the street in a limo and saw you out burning a flag on the street? I can see it now...
"Well Jim, I think we should cover up that newest Clinton scandal because....HEY! WHOAH! LOOK AT THAT! HE'S BURNING THE FLAG! Hey know, what we've been doing is wrong. I'm glad that loser on the street there has shown me the error of my ways! Praise Jesus!"
Not quite, this is a more accurate scenario:
"Well Jim, I think we should cover up that newest Clinton scandal becase....hahaha, now would ya look at that? What an idiot...trying to burn the flag. Hahaha! My toilet paper has the flag's design on it! They actually believe they can change things by doing that??? Get real!!" 2) When I was as young as some of these little toddlers, I wasn't worrying about the government. What the hell could they POSSIBLY need to worry about!?! "Hey, I hate the government! They tax my bubble gum too much!" PLEASE....When I was that young my only worries were whether He-Man was going to kick Skeletor's arse on t.v. that day and whether mom was going to make another dinner that contained vegetables which I've hated to eat. There's no excuse for whining about that stuff at such a young age. I know they want to fit in with the older kids and be "cool" and all....but half of these older kids are even more idiotic than the younger ones. These young kids follow their examples and then wonder why they end up on the streets later because they didn't want to have anything to do with society. Well guess what. Life sucks and that's the way it is. I don't like a lot of things about life, but I'm not going to try to kid myself into believing I can change any of it. I just do my own work and that keeps me satisfied to some degree. That's all a true cynic can ask for anyway. For those who burn the flag because they not only hate the government, but because they hate America, I've got something to tell you as well. There's a simple cure for your hatred of America if it is as bad as you say it is: MOVE! That's right! Go to Spain! Go to Bolivia! Go to Yugoslavia! Just MOVE! See how much more you like it there! Look, I know there's a TON of cruddy things going on in the States....but the fact is, it is still the BEST place in the world to live. I strongly believe this....well....except for perhaps Scotland, and that's only because they're all a bunch of insane ravaging hooligans! AYE! I mean look at some of the idiots out there these days trying to rebel against THEIR OWN NATION! This whole Texas militia crap about them wanting Texas to be declared SEPARATE from the states? If they want that I'd be more than happy to give it to them. But it wouldn't just be a declaration of independence from the states, Texas would physically be REMOVED from our spiffy country. I've never cared to visit Texas myself and I don't know anybody there, so I wouldn't really care about losing it. So if they don't want to be part of the USA., then let's dig up the entire state and move it elsewhere. I suggest the Bermuda Triangle. Why? It's very simple.
FACT: These Texan elitists are lost.
FACT: Many things have gotten lost in the Bermuda Triangle.
THEREFORE: Texas and the Bermuda Triangle are PERFECT for each other!
(This time it's not the "Lost and Found", it's the "Lost find the Lost")
Ok, enough about Texas. My point about all this is this. We all live here in this nation, times will be good, times will be bad, times will be neutral. I just think that anybody that hates this country so much should just leave or AT LEAST do a bit more research on the conditions of other places. If they can HONESTLY convince themselves that they would be better off elsewhere, then I believe they SHOULD INDEED move to that nation. As for the kids, chew your bubble gum, watch your he-man, and forget about your stupid punk bands like "Propagandhi" (or "Propatrendhi" as my friends and I always loved to call them) who tell you to "stick the flag up your ass" and whatever. The only sign of intelligence in them is that they think "ska sucks and the bands are only in it for the bucks".
One of Propatrendhi's slogans is: "I'd rather be flag burning"
One of my slogans is: "I'd rather be burning flag burners"
Perhaps no name is more closely associated with birth control, family planning, and reproductive freedom for women than Margaret Sanger. The daughter of Irish immigrants, Sanger was born in 1879 and played a strong role in the birth control movement in the United States and abroad until her death in 1966. While she promoted access to birth control for all women, she focused particularly on the poor, as upper-class women had some access to contraception from their private physicians. Poor women did not. Sanger believed that uncontrolled fertility and large families were inextricably linked to poverty. Her efforts to empower poor women, however, had affinities with the eugenics movement.
Many eugenicists supported the idea of limiting population growth, particularly among those they viewed as undesirable. They were greatly troubled by the idea that the upper classes would use birth control and the lower classes would continue to breed. The tension between empowering poor women to control their fertility for their own best interest and limiting fertility among the poor and the underclass persists to this day in the debate about long-acting contraceptives. ( Tolson p.21)
Shortly after moving to New York City in 1910 with her husband, William, and three young children, Sanger found part-time work as a visiting nurse. She ministered primarily to immigrant women who lived in the Lower East Side . At that same time, she and her husband joined the Socialist Party Local 5. Sanger became increasingly involved with birth control issues and activism, both as a consequence of her daily work with poverty stricken patients and her conversations with the activists who regularly congregated at her family's flat.
As Sanger later remembered it that their living room became a gathering place where liberals, anarchists, socialists and I.W.W.'s could meet. Emma Goldman was a frequent visitor and it was not long before Sanger spent long evenings discussing the emancipation of women at Emma's home on East Thirteenth Street . Sanger was very impressed by Goldman's incisive intellect and incendiary rhetorical style. And, within the constraints established by her less flamboyant personal style, Sanger 's earliest written and oral rhetoric (including her speech at Fabian Hall) often echoes the sort of provocative arguments made by Goldman in her own series of birth control lectures, as well as her confrontational, unflinching stance. ( Family Planning p.1073)
Margaret Sanger brought birth control directly to the poor women of Brooklyn on 16 October 1916 when she opened a freestanding clinic in Brownsville . Immigrant women from many cultures lined up with their baby carriages to learn how to prevent future pregnancies. In the few weeks of the clinic's existence, 464 women were provided with sex education and contraceptive information. The clinic was raided by the New York City Vice Squad and Sanger and her sister, Ethel Byrne, the clinic's nurse, were jailed. The trial produced an important legal victory for birth control.
The New York State Court of Appeals interpreted the law to allow for prescription of contraceptives by physicians, not only to prevent or cure venereal disease--an interpretation largely applied to men--but also for any health reason. This opened the door for physicians to prescribe contraceptives for women. Sanger's victory, however, was bought at a price. Birth control from that point on was a physician-dominated enterprise. Nurses, and to a large extent, women, were not to control the provision of contraceptives. ( Lungren p.78)
Sterilization The first reported tubal sterilization was performed by Samuel Lungren, an Ohio physician, in 1880. The procedure was proposed in the early nineteenth century as a means of long-term contraception in women undergoing Caesarean sections. It was not until the latter part of the century, when asepsis and safer anesthesia were available, that Caesareans were attempted with any frequency, and even then they were still quite risky. The mortality rate for the sixty-eight Caesarean sections that had been performed in the U.S. from 1882 to 1891 was 40 percent. Surely, if a woman survived one section, avoidance of another might be desirable. Many of the early tubal ligations were recommended for "protective" indications, i.e., to protect the life and health of the woman.( Bordahl p.19)
After the turn of the century, however, eugenics was a dominant reason for tubal sterilization, particularly involuntary sterilization. Compulsory sterilization began to be recommended for individuals with hereditary disease, the "feeble-minded" (e.g., the insane and demented), and the mentally retarded. There were also racial overtones, as undesirable characteristics were perceived to occur more often in people of Asian and African origin and in the foreign-born. In addition, there were some moves to sterilize habitual criminals. While recommendations for habitual criminals dealt largely with men, efforts to control hereditary and mental illnesses were often directed at women. Efforts to train women living in mental institutions gave way to a program to keep them from reproducing. ( Bordahl p.19)
The view that deviance was hereditary was supported, in large part, by studies of two families: the Jukes and the Kallikaks. Richard Dugdale, a social reformer, studied 709 people over five generations in a family he called the Jukes. Although Dugdale believed both heredity and environment were to blame for the Jukes' propensity to crime, intemperance, and prostitution, he laid special emphasis on heredity, estimating that the family had cost society $1,308,000. In 1912 Henry Goddard contributed significantly to the belief that deviance was hereditary when he published The Kallikak Family. Goddard had been studying feeble-mindedness when he discovered the family, which he traced back over six generations. The progenitor had produced both a legitimate line, consisting of upstanding citizens, and an illegitimate line, consisting of large families with a disproportionate number of feeble-minded individuals.
Already concerned with the effects of immigration on population demographics, eugenicists were given superb ammunition with these two studies. The eugenics movement also received financial support from some of the country's most prominent philanthropists, including Mrs. E. H. Harriman, John D. Rockefeller, Dr. John Harvey Kellogg, and Samuel Fels. Even Theodore Roosevelt supported the movement, urging Americans to avoid "racial suicide." The upper classes must not be outnumbered in their progeny by immigrants and the lower class. ( Meehan p.68)
The nation's first involuntary sterilization law was passed in 1907 in Indiana . California followed suit in 1909 and by 1913, fourteen states had laws allowing involuntary sterilization. The effect of the laws varied. From 1907 to 1921 there were 3,233 documented sterilizations performed under state laws. These sterilizations were seen by many within the mental hygiene movement as beneficial to society and, at the very least, as not harmful to the individual. On the other hand, seven of the laws were declared unconstitutional. While there was much popular and professional support, eugenic sterilization was still controversial. Additional statutes, drafted with greater concern for constitutional constraints and greater care about guardians' consent, were more successful.
Ultimately, the Supreme Court provided a boost for involuntary sterilization in Buck v. Bell In that 1927 decision, Oliver Wendell Holmes wrote: "It is better for the entire world, if instead of waiting to execute degenerative offspring for crime, or to let them starve for their imbecility, society can prevent those who are manifestly unfit from continuing their kind." The number of states with sterilization laws increased to thirty and the number of involuntary sterilizations increased to more than 60,000 persons. Sterilization programs were active through the 1940s and 1950s, uninfluenced by reactions to Nazi sterilizations; indeed, there was a dramatic increase in the percentage of women who were sterilized in the U.S. after 1930. Eugenic sterilization virtually disappeared after the 1960s as the nation entered an era of awareness of patients' rights and, most especially, of the need for society to protect the vulnerable. ( Meehan p.68)
The major ethical conflict regarding sterilization today is balancing the rights of a mentally retarded or mentally disabled person to sexual freedom with a protection of her best interests regarding childbearing. Even in cases where it is clear that the individual has no ability to comprehend childbearing and may be harmed by the experience, it is difficult to obtain a court order for sterilization because of the history of the abuses.
Ethical issues have also come up in voluntary sterilization of mentally competent individuals. Some women, particularly poor women, have not had access to desired sterilization. Married women were sometimes required to have their husband's consent or were denied sterilizations until they had produced a certain number of children. Young women who had never given birth were also denied tubal ligations on the grounds that they cannot always be successfully reversed, should the woman later want children. Previous pregnancies, marital status, and age, while important considerations, should not be used to deny a woman a tubal sterilization if she really desires one. ( Meehan p.68)
Sterilizations have sometimes been advocated for women with serious medical conditions such as tuberculosis, diabetes, or cardiovascular disease. While these illnesses may make pregnancy medically undesirable, it is important to recognize that they are conditions more common among the poor and women of color. Thus, although sterilization under these circumstances may be offered with the best of medical intentions, it is apt to be perceived as racist or promoting eugenics. Counseling regarding sterilization as a contraceptive option must be done with sensitivity to the historical context. ( Meehan p.68)
Birth Control and the Modern Era The 1960s and 1970s saw great technological advances in contraception. The development and approval of oral contraceptives finally provided a highly effective form of contraception that was not associated with individual sexual acts. Intrauterine devices also became popular choices for women and couples who wanted to control fertility. Although IUDs would later become less available because of legal challenges related to side effects of the Dalkon Shield, they were a method of choice for many women during this time. ( McClearey p.182)
In addition to technological advances, there were legal and policy gains for birth control. A significant victory in this regard occurred in New York City in 1957, when Dr. Louis M. Hellman, in violation of the policies of the Commissioner of Hospitals, fitted with a diaphragm a severely diabetic woman who had just given birth. The media had been notified and the resulting coverage precipitated a policy change that allowed women to receive contraceptive counseling and devices in municipal hospitals in New York City .
In 1965 the Supreme Court declared contraception a constitutional fight for married couples, in Griswold v. Connecticut . The Comstock laws were finally repealed in 1971 and the Supreme Court guaranteed a woman's right to abortion in Roe v. Wade in 1973. This, however, did not ensure that women would have access to contraceptives and abortion services. Some women could not afford contraceptives. For others, partners or spouses prohibited the use of desired contraceptives. In addition, the fight against legalized abortion rages on, and has escalated to violent outbursts that threaten the providers and users of abortion services. There is also the danger that women who do not desire contraceptives will be coerced into using them by partners or social pressures.
The current ethical and policy issues with long-acting contraceptives have an important historical context. Well-intentioned efforts to empower all women, including poor women of color, must be balanced with a keen sense of the abuses evident in the history of the birth control movement. Racism and eugenic concerns have been consistent issues in debates about controlling fertility, and our targeted educational programs and initiatives must be sensitive to community concerns. Empowering women to make their own reproductive choices is a praiseworthy goal. It can only be achieved if we maintain an awareness of the successes and failures in the history of the birth control movement. ( Lungren p.78)
If this is news to you, it may shed new light on your Grandmothers famous Jell-O mold. And if you love eating chewy candy, you may think twice before chowing down on those gummy bears - yup - they're made with gelatin too. Kosher gelatin that pretty funny because gummy bears were originated in Germany...
Gelatin is a translucent, colorless, odorless, and nearly tasteless substance that is made by prolonged boiling of skin, cartilage and bones from animals. It's made primarily from the stuff meat industries have left over - we're talking about pork skins and cattle bones. Yummy.
How is gelatin extracted from the hides of pork and cattle?
Manufacturers first run the hides and bones through a chemical bath containing acids, then through hot and cold washings to remove fats, minerals and other impurities. The collagen is then converted to pure gelatin by drying and grinding the skins and bones.
What protein does gelatin contain?
Gelatin contains the protein collagen--the chief constituent of connective tissue, cartilage, tendons, bones, and skin. Collagen consists of groups of white inelastic fibers with great tensile strength.
What purpose does gelatin serve in ice cream and in other foods?
Gelatin gives ice creams a creamy feel and helps keep ice crystals from forming by acting as an emulsifier. It makes gummy bears gummy and marshmallows marshy. While replacing the fat in low-calorie butter, gelatin also keeps the meat from banging around inside cans of ham. In cake fillings, icing mixers, and gum, gelatin performs as a stabilizer.
Here's some other things that are made from gelatin just in case your curious.
Gummy bears
Skittle (with the exception of the chocolate type)
Most yogurts (Silk Soy Yogurt is vegan and has no gelatin)
Some ice cream (not most)
Capsules found on over-the-counter pills
Shells of paint balls
Jr!. Mints
Frosted cereal
Frosted Pop-Tarts (They aren't worth it anyway-- 2= 40 calories)
And just about every other gooey food!.
Can you guess what this substance in the photo is? Its not strawberry soft serve ice cream. I can tell you one thing: it has a lot in common with Silly Putty. Yes, that pink gooey stuff that kids love to jam into carpet. That stuff that you tell them not to put into their mouths.
The photo is showing mechanically separated chicken, or the inside of a chicken nugget before it is shaped and fried and packed with chemicals to keep it from going rancid or falling apart.
Jamie Oliver, Fooducate, and The Omnivore Dilemma expose the truth about chicken nuggets. But, are parents and kids really listening?
In 2003 a group of obese teenagers brought a lawsuit against McDonald’s causing a federal judge to defame the beloved McNuggets. Judge Sweet called the McNuggets a “McFrankenstein creation of various elements not utilized by the home cook.”He then cataloged 38 ingredients, claiming McDonald’s marketed on the border of deception since the food was not simply what it purports, a piece of chicken battered and fried.
A full serving of the better white meat chicken McNuggets now has 10 fewer calories than cheeseburger, and about 33 more ingredients. So, let’s take a look at what these ingredients are:
Of the 38 ingredients, Michael Pollan, author of The Omnivore Dilemma, points out that 13 of them are derived from corn: corn-fed chicken, mono-, tri-, and diglycerides, dextrose, lecithin, chicken broth, yellow corn flour, modified corn starch (listed twice), cornstarch, vegetable shortening, partially hydrogenated corn oil, and citric acid.
There is also wheat batter and the potential use of hydrogenated soybean oil, canola oil, or cotton oil depending on the market price.
Chicken McNuggets also contain several synthetic or man made ingredients. These ingredients don’t come from a farmer’s field but from none other than petroleum. Yes, that is right. Petroleum.
Petroleum chemicals are what make processed foods possible because they keep the organic material from going rancid and give them a longer shelf life. The list includes leavening agents, sodium aluminum phosphate, mono-calcium phosphate, sodium acid pyrophosphate, and calcium lactate. These are synthetic antioxidants that prevent the meat from spoiling.
Of course, then you have your anti-foaming agent: dimethylpolysiloxene,(the same ingredient they put in silly putty!!!) a suspected carcinogen, and established mutagen, tumorigen, and reproductive effector. Apparently the problem of the nuggets foaming during frying warrants the adding of carcinogens and toxic substances to our children’s food.
The ingredient that tops the list, the one found in Silly Putty, and other things you find around your house… TBHQ. It’s an antioxidant derived from petroleum and a form of butane. Yes, lighter fluid. So, not only is it toxic and borderline poisonous, but also flammable. Thanks Ronald that was real nice of you!!!!
According to the FDA, it allows the use of TBHQ sparingly in foods to help preserve freshness. This sparing amount is 0.02 percent. Well, that’s a good thing because ingesting 1 gram can cause nausea, vomiting, ringing in the ears, delirium, a sense of suffocation, and collapse. 5 grams of TBHQ can kill a person. I am sure Tyson knows what they are doing when they add it to our children’s food, though.
It’s not just McDonald’s McNuggets that cause concern. Pick up any package of nuggets in the grocer and read the back of the box. What ingredients do you see? Definitely not just chicken, flour, and oil.
When Jamie Oliver lined up a group of school children and showed them how to make a chicken nugget, he witnessed nary a flinch. They all concurred that they would still eat the nugget.
But would you still serve it?
I know what you're all saying: " No not that sign, it means peace". This sign was used in the 60's and 70's a lot by the hippies, it meant to them peace. This sign is now making a heavy come back through the influence of the 60's and 70's. But the truth in where this sign really comes from, it may shock you. It is really called: "The Cross of Nero", it shows an upside-down cross broken downward at the cross anchor. It was sign signifying defeat of Christianity. Guess where their meaning of peace came from? That's right, peace against Christians. Also some of the heavy metal and occult groups are now wearing them to signify their allegiance against Christianity. Satan is very clever, isn't he?
Hippie Van The Cross of Nero did not come to symbolize peace until the late 1960s / early 1970s during The Cold War (a period of tension and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union and their allies from the end of WWII until approximately 1990) when 'flower-power', created by the 'hippie movement', was at its height. It was often worn as a necklace and could be found as graffiti on walls throughout the country. The ‘hippies’ also painted their individual forms of transport, old Volkswagen Dorm mobiles in particular, in bright colors and flowers, but more significantly with the peace symbol.
Is the peace sign a symbol of the New World Order? one in which religion will not be tolerated? If the Cross of Nero symbolizes an upside down, broken cross of Christ then it may also not only symbolize rejection of Christ and Christianity but also of all religions. Have you noticed how saturated our society has become with the upside down cross?
The other day I was on this debate with some guy on this hating ICP facebook page. I think is so amusing where people will get on this page and defend ICP. Especially on their phone wasting their minutes on something so stupid to argue about. Well what really intrigued me about this conversation is how it changed. I believe anything else that isn't about bitching about ICP, and of course me being labeled being a hater and hearing people speak in "loser" talking like whoop, whoop, or herp derp.
Well hear is what is said:
Whoop whoop! fuck all you haters as you see you think that were just a group of pussies but as you all see you could only say this over facebook. its not like any of you bitches could beat anyone so why comment on something you cant beat??
uhuh i dont really care what you say about me but when you talk about the fam.... also if you didntcare why did you post then???
Yeah, you know else had a "family"? Charles Manson and look how well that turned out. We live in America we have the right to say what ever we want. Freedom of Speech ever heard of it? For instance, anyone that listens to ICP needs to be immediately slaughtered like a pig on television bashed their brains out with pinball hammers. If you don't like hit delete and get on with the rest of your day.
Lmfao.... this is so funny but who are you talking to? are you taking any actions or protest are you? i dont have anything against the commandment but who are you telling but people on facebook
Is it me? Correct me if I am wrong, but I did not know the ten commandments is in the Constitution?
This is completely false. Nowhere in the Constitution are the words "God," "Jesus," or "Christianity." This was not an accidental omission. The Constitution was deliberately a secular document, and the only references to religion are exclusionary.
1. "Thou shalt have no other gods before me."
This is contrary to the First Amendment, which states, "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof." It utterly defies the American concept of religious liberty.
2. "Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image..."
This is also contrary to the First Amendment, as it violates the right to freedom of religion and the right to freedom of speech. Furthermore, it is hypocritical of people to insist on putting into government buildings a graven image of a document that prohibits the making of graven images.
3. "Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain." Again, this contradicts the First Amendment right to freedoms of religion and speech.
4. "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy."
This commandment has indeed influenced our society, but working on Saturdays or Sundays is hardly illegal.
5."Honor thy father and thy mother."
There is no law requiring children to honor their parents, and in fact, the only laws in this regard are those to protect children from parents who are not worthy of being honored.
6. "Thou shall not kill."
This commandment is certainly a good idea, but all civilized societies have had laws against murder since the Code of Hammurabi, which predates the Bible by at least 1,000 years. In other words, it is hardly an original law.
7. "Thou shalt not commit adultery."While committing adultery is usually a bad idea, there are no federal laws against it.
8. "Thou shalt not steal."This is a good idea, but not indigenous to Christianity.
9. "Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor."Also known as "perjury", this commandment, is not unique.
10. "Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's." It is not only perfectly legal to covet your neighbor's possessions, our capitalistic economy would be in serious trouble without it. Note also that the wife is listed with the rest of the man's property, which contradicts our legal concept of gender equality.
We can easily see that only three of the Ten Commandments have corresponding laws, and not a single one of those is exclusive to Christianity. They are part of a purely religious document, which has no place in government buildings funded by taxpayers of all religions and none.
The founding fathers made it clear through the blatant absence of religious language in the Constitution that they were creating a nation in which religion and government would remain separate entities. There are also numerous quotes from Thomas Jefferson, James Madison, and others that attest to this fact. Those who are purposely attempting to subvert the founding fathers' intentions by turning the United States into a theocracy should be considered treasonous, as they are waging war against our American birthright of total religious freedom.
This blog is about things like scenes suck!!! There's no way around it..Go vegetarian!!! Firestorm to purify. The list goes on and on... What sad and pathetic that so many scensters out their derived their entire education and belief system from crap like this. The purpose of my mockery was originally an experiment to see how people took themselves. Now its blown into a infamous thing. Some praise me,while other would like to know who this Ghouliegirl person is and beat the hell out of me. Either way, its been an amusing ride so far... To be blunt I could care less if my blog pisses you off. I love making people laugh,no doubt about that, but I don't mind getting on the nerves of the many idiots out there that take themselves FAR too seriously. I actually pitty these BrAiNDeAd victims who take the contents of my pages way too seriously. I mean really FOLKS, LOOK AT IT. How can you get angry at this stuff??? It's people that set a bad example for the rest of your... hrm, what's a good word to use... "brethren".