Thursday, January 20, 2011

I don't think anything about it. In fact, I don't think period! I'm sXe!

The rest of this page is going to have a bunch of letters that I've been sent or have simply found to be hilarious. So no more pictures on this particular page, but don't worry. In fact, if any of you have pictures to give me please feel free to do so and I'll take it upon myself to mock them to hell. So here are some of the more humorous emails I've received.

Here's a classic example of the vegan/sXe elitism:

Now they I have your attention. I am a SXE chick who wants to tell you to go shoove your foot up your ass. The sxe scene is a great scene and just cause people like you aren't excepted you whine about us. Well let me tell you something I am better than you. Your boyfriend could never get a girl as hot as me. I am a beautiful sxe girl who wants you to die. so you go commit suicide you stupid arrogant bitch. You go murder innocent animals, and who are you to criticize earth crisis, you are a sell out to the human race. you worthless piece of shit


Look here girlie girl, I've had more people email me about your one particular email than ANY OTHER message on this page. Everybody thought you were the most "idiotic whore they have ever seen" (that's a direct quote, mind you). Who would want to be with somebody who thinks so highly of themselves? Just like many of the sxe people I've seen who are extremely image conscious, you prove to care about how you look more than the actual cause. DIE.

This is hilarious!

Man you guys must have a lot of time on your hands! I'm glad theres people like you, becuase it just makes me want to strive and achieve everything i set out to do thanks man!

Xvegan powerX


"fuck you bitch ass cunt"... Boy, I can tell I'm talking with a real genius here! Here's the following email that he wrote me

You don't know shit! I'm probably healthier than you, you fat cunt. The only reason you talk shit is cuz you need to boost yourself esteem so you put down other people's beliefs, but i understand man. Your nothin but a drunk, fat, fuck, that doesn't know shit about anyone but thinks she does!!!!!!!!!!!

HATE ME ALL YOU WANT I DON'T GIVE A FUCK, SO JUST STEP THE FUCK OFF BITCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ahh, this is too easy!
1) I'm not fat by ANY means
2) I don't drink alcohol
3) I'm glad that you assume all of these things just because I don't declare myself sXe

4) I heard there's a tornado coming near your trailer park, be careful "BITCH"!

 i think that youre so full of shit, you probably drive an expensive pickup truck with a confederate flag hanging from the gun rack. if you have nothing better to do with your time than promote intolerance and make your stupidity known to the world then my advice is to get a job. Veganism and vegetarianism are the most healthy and environmentally sound ways of life not to mention the least coporate. And if you complain about the government,environment whatever then you have no right because your supportiing it by eating meat, drinking coporate beer etc. Its going to be a big fucking slap in the face when you die of a heart attack from eating too much red meat. You sicken me wiht your pathetic attempts at facism and the way you try to control peoples mind and make sure your opinion is the only that is heard, a perfect example is this dumb fucking, you dont even let people have their say until this box here. I hope someone drags your sorry ass to a slaughteer house one day. LET THE CHICKENS OUT OF THE COOP AND HAVE SOME CREAM OF GHOUlEGIRL SOUP!!!!!!!!! I wish someone would reset you and start over!

Wow, we've got an assumptious one here, eh folks?
1) I'm from Ireland, why the hell would I have a confederate flag?
2) I don't drive a truck, I hate trucks.
3) I don't have a gun rack, or the accompanying guns for one. Guns are for the weak.
4) I have a steady job and sometimes more than one.
5) I don't drink "coporate" beer. I also know how to spell corporate which you spelled incorrectly TWO times. On top of that, don't think you are some "way-too-cool-original-non-corporate-original-gangsta-bitch" because you are vegan. You are just following another bandwagon that McDonald's just happens to not be a sponsor of. Big deal.
6) You must be REALLY punk, you already used two of the top 10 punk favorite words: "fascism" and "corporate"! I'm impressed! No really!
7) I don't even let people have their say until that final box? WAH! What do you want TWO boxes? hahahah!
8) Where can I get some of this Ghouliegirl soup? Does it have meat in it?

 YOu are a Fucking fagit. Fuck you. I think you should rot in hell. You obviously know nothing about sXe. I'm sXe and I am probably bigger, smarter, a better thinker, better looking, cooler, more popular, faster, and evrything you can imagion. We don't think we re better than ever but it's ppl like you that are so pathetic it makes me puke! All of you RAp and Marilyn Manson fans sit around with your pants at your knees and smoking herb and drinking your brains out. We do every thing we can because we're not 2 drugged up to not notice the train from the other end of the tunnel you fucked up PIECE OF SHIT!!! we know what we're talking about because we're aware of bull shit like drugs and AIDS. So fuck off you fucking poseur.

Sorry pal, just cuz I don't go by the straight-edge label that you've etched into your cranium, doesn't mean that I do drugs. Sorry don't drugs, or alcohol. Nice try though! And I hate rap and marilyn manson. Thanks for being another idiotic representative of the sXe scene! It's lads like you that help prove my cause!

 I think your web page is the most vile display of human stupidity I have ever seen. I am a vegan and I find it sad that you so passionately hate people that you do not know. Your lack of intelligence and compassion is detestable. I realize that you probably don't care about what I have to say but then again you probably don't care about much of anything. Perhaps you should channel your energy into some form of good, unless of course your vacant conscience forbids it.

The only thing my vacant conscience forbids is actually taking hippies like you seriously.

Welp, that about does it for this page of mail. Thanks to everybody who has mailed me, I really appreciate it, whether it's hateful or grateful. Just keep on sendin' those letters and pictures in!