Sunday, May 8, 2011

Whip it Good...

Once upon a time, a sweet sensitive guy swept the princess off her feet, and that trend sadly died thereafter with that one example which disappointed the many emulators.

 This is a man who shamelessly sells out other men, hoping to win the affections of a woman he desires, but unknowingly does nice things for her in vain because he believes above all that God is on his side, but an independent woman won't be receptive to such acts of unnecessary kindness, which is the sensitive guy's fault in the first place for being naive.

The sensitive guy cried and wept throughout the movie, What Dreams May Come, hoping his date would appreciate that openness, but she was laughing hysterically at him inside.

All men who wish to have any form of relationship (or just get laid) must be pussywhipped to a certain degree. The minor offenders are never called pussywhipped, only the men who allow their woman to walk all over them and totally control every aspect of their life (even if the woman is not in the same state at the time). Someone that obsessively does anything and everything for their girlfriend. This may include letting their girlfriend place foreign objects into there ass.